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Se oggi effettuate una ricerca su google sezione news con le parole "Final Fantasy VII remake", questo sotto è quello che esce. 

Questo sito di merda, KDarmaStars, esce anche con false notizie. Se googlate tra le news troverete  altri argomenti nerd, come gli ultimi cinefumetti (Doctor Strange ad esempio). Se vi state chiedendo perché questo sito è diverso dagli altri (di merda, dicevo), e ruba assolutamente visite e click (18 banner bloccati su Adblock, quasi record), eccovi gli estratti degli ultimi articoli sull'argomento Final Fantasy VII.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Release Date Revealed For The PS4 And PS3 At Gamescom 2014 As Alleged Gameplay Photo Leaked Online

BY Gunther Barbosa | Aug 16, 2014 03:41 AM EDT
Final Fantasy VII remake
(Photo : Facebook)
Final Fantasy VII remake alleged leaked photo
(Photo : Facebook)
The Final Fantasy VII remake release date has been reportedly confirmed at Gamescom 2014
It seems like the Final Fantasy VII remake won't be PS4 exclusive after all as the PS3 version has been revealed as well.
The Video Gamer Headlines has reported that Square Enix is working on a PS3 version of the Final Fantasy VII remake but the main focus is the PS4 version.
In a report by Cyberland, industry insider Verendus who is known for having very strong connections within the Japanese gaming industry, posted on NeoGAF mentioning that the project is happening:
"It's happening. He's obviously not going to give any indication as such though so it hardly matters until they're ready to announce something. His comments make sense. It's a huge project that will take a lot of effort, and demand a lot from him personally, in order to ensure the end result is something satisfactory."
And in a different report by Cyberland it seems that the Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be in full production once Square Enix is done with Final Fantasy XV and that The Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be for the PS3 and PS4.
User "Erik GoGetta" has commented on gaming site IGN that Square Enix may reveal the Final Fantasy VII remake and full gameplay reveal on E3 2015 however that didn't pan out but Cyberland has revealed that Square Enix allegedly set the Final Fantasy VII remake release date for a 2016 release.
With the hype for the Final Fantasy VII remake release date in full swing do you think that Square Enix can live up to it? Or would the original trump over the Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS3 and PS4? Sound off in the comments below!

Final Fantasy VII PS4 Release Date Confirmed On Gamescom 2014? FF7 Launches On 2016 On Next-Gen And Current Gen Playstation Consoles

BY Gunther Barbosa | Aug 25, 2014 04:22 AM EDT
Final Fantasy VII remake
(Photo : Facebook)
Final Fantasy VII remake alleged leaked photo
(Photo : Facebook)
The Final Fantasy VII remake release date has been reportedly confirmed at Gamescom 2014
It seems like the Final Fantasy VII remake won't be PS4 exclusive after all as the PS3 version has been revealed as well.
The Video Gamer Headlines has reported that Square Enix is working on a PS3 version of the Final Fantasy VII remake but the main focus is the PS4 version.
In a report by Cyberland, industry insider Verendus who is known for having very strong connections within the Japanese gaming industry, posted on NeoGAF mentioning that the project is happening:
"It's happening. He's obviously not going to give any indication as such though so it hardly matters until they're ready to announce something. His comments make sense. It's a huge project that will take a lot of effort, and demand a lot from him personally, in order to ensure the end result is something satisfactory."
And in a different report by Cyberland it seems that the Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be in full production once Square Enix is done with Final Fantasy XV and that The Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be for the PS3 and PS4.
User "Erik GoGetta" has commented on gaming site IGN that Square Enix may reveal the Final Fantasy VII remake and full gameplay reveal on E3 2015 however that didn't pan out but Cyberland has revealed that Square Enix allegedly set the Final Fantasy VII remake release date for a 2016 release.
With the hype for the Final Fantasy VII remake release date in full swing do you think that Square Enix can live up to it? Or would the original trump over the Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS3 and PS4? Sound off in the comments below!

Final Fantasy VII Remake For PS4 And PS3 Release Date Confirmed Before Tokyo Game Show 2014 Reveal? Square Enix Expected Announcement Of FF7 At TGS Excites Fans!

BY Gunther Barbosa | Sep 03, 2014 03:37 AM EDT
Final Fantasy VII remake
(Photo : Facebook)
The Final Fantasy VII remake for PS4 and PS3 release date has been reportedly confirmed before it's expected announcement at the Tokyo Game Show 2014!
It seems like the Final Fantasy VII remake won't be PS4 exclusive after all as the PS3 version has been revealed as well.
The video you saw above was a tech demo for the PS3 when it first came out.
The Video Gamer Headlines has reported that Square Enix is working on a PS3 version of the Final Fantasy VII remake but the main focus is the PS4 version.
In a report by Cyberland, industry insider Verendus who is known for having very strong connections within the Japanese gaming industry, posted on NeoGAF mentioning that the project is happening:
"It's happening. He's obviously not going to give any indication as such though so it hardly matters until they're ready to announce something. His comments make sense. It's a huge project that will take a lot of effort, and demand a lot from him personally, in order to ensure the end result is something satisfactory."
And in a different report by Cyberland it seems that the Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be in full production once Square Enix is done with Final Fantasy XV and that The Final Fantasy VII remake is going to be for the PS3 and PS4.
User "Erik GoGetta" has commented on gaming site IGN that Square Enix may reveal the Final Fantasy VII remake and full gameplay reveal on The Tokyo Game Show 2014 and that Cyberland has revealed that Square Enix allegedly set the Final Fantasy VII remake release date for a 2016 release.
With the hype for the Final Fantasy VII remake release date in full swing do you think that Square Enix can live up to it? Or would the original trump over the Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS3 and PS4? Sound off in the comments below!

Ecco, abbiamo tre articoli falsi che a distanza di settimane ripetono inutilmente le stesse cose. E questo va avanti da mesi. Tra l'altro copiano un vecchio scoop di febbraio (Verendus e il suo post sul forum Neogaf esistono ma è ormai roba vecchia) e lo uniscono a Cyberland (un utente? un sito?) di loro invenzione. Straordinaria è poi la faccia come il culo. Sotto ogni articolo mettono:
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Che Steve Jobs vi benedica e alla prossima!
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