#EcceBombo 9 9 2014 la tempesta perfetta

Questa è una storia iniziata 10 anni fa nell'ottobre del 2004

"The company that best exemplifies the marriage of technology and pop culture is Apple,"

"They understand music. They like the art object."

"The iPod is probably the greatest pop object since the electric guitar," 

"We—as a band—feel strongly about the iPod. We—as a band—talked about the idea for an iPod years ago."

Bono Vox nel 2004 sulla collaborazione tra U2 e Apple.inc

Come ben sapete una caratteristica fondamentale dei vecchi è seguire i lavori. In tutto il mondo è così, anche in USA e anche quando al lavoro c'è la Apple:

Frank Mangini, a 73-year-old Cupertino resident, told the San Jose Mercury News he had noticed a large construction project going on around the centre for the past few weeks..
"It looked like a sound stage going up for a rock concert behind Flint Center," Mangini said - with lights on a grid above the stage being built in view of a nearby fountain and duck pond.
Mangini said the structure had become even more enormous by last Sunday with walls around the stage structure that he estimated at three stories high. Huge power cables run through pipes to a transformer at least a couple hundred yards away.
Mangini asked a worker about the project .
"We really can't say," the worker told him. "All I can say is this is one of the largest shows I've ever worked on, and I've worked on them for 30 years."
Mangini added, "It's a very professional job," he said Thursday. "It looks like Hollywood to me -- there's a lot of money going into this."

Articolo e video sotto 'alto patronato del Gatto di Schrödinger, questo articolo può essere al 50% vero o al 50% falso. Ora lo sapete Ridley Benson non vi prende per il culo, scommette sul futuro.

Mail: ebh.porcodio@gmail.com per qualunque commento e comunicazione